Update : crashes, doesnt save your data at least 50% of the time. So you exit and when you come back the last thing you entered is gone and you have to re-enter it. Thats ridiculous.
I want to love the app. I love the coloured chart. But poo tracking should be a different colour. Looks too much like the navy blue when you have skinny lines.
I bought this app because I love the bar chart that you can create, showing blocks of their sleep, feeds, diapers. It saves me from doing it on my own which is extremely time consuming. The reason Im not rating it any higher than this is that its an exercise in frustration tracking info for twins. 1) theres no way to make the profiles look different / customized, so you cant tell whose profile youre in until you back out completely and go back to the home screen. Their names dont even appear at the top. There should be a way to choose a colour per child. When you have your hands full tandem nursing two babies this is extremely annoying. 2) Navigating between your kids profiles is cumbersome and time consuming. You cant just toggle to the next child. Again you have to click on a series of things just to get there. 3) The pumping tracker is not standalone. Oddly, each childs profile has a pumping tracker so if you are tracking more than one child you have to choose which child to track the pumping under. And again because the profiles look the exact same its easy to end up tracking it in the wrong one. Its really silly. 4) Navigation generally speaking is very cumbersome. The intuitive shortcuts one would expect are simply not there. I find myself clicking on things expecting something to happen but nothing does. Ita a clumsy navigation and the developers really should work on this. Especially considering how expensive this app is.
CositaCute about Baby Log - Activities, Growth and Milestones, v1.8.3